I have no big plans for the summer. No trips around the world, no boating excursions and no extreme adventures. I'm keeping it simple (not that I have the money to do anything grand anyway, but that's besides the point). My summer plans include:
1. Sleep as much as I can
2. Video games
3. Movies/Friends
4. Exercise
5. Read
So far I think I've been keeping true to my summer goals. It's pretty easy when it rains every day making you want to stay in.
I finally finished The Force Unleashed 2. I had gotten stuck on a hanger bay fight a couple of months ago and completely abandoned the game, till now. Now that that's done, I'm focusing on Super Mario Bros. I've had this game forever now and I'm only on world 3. Pathetic I know, but I will finish it. After Mario, I have Ghostbusters which I never played and Damnation.
As far as my reading goal, that one has been lacking. I started reading "Nine Kinds of Naked" and even though I was really interested in it, I fell asleep allowing me to accomplish more of my 1st goal :) Movies? Those are coming up. Exercising? I just went for a run this morning :)
We'll see what I really end up doing with my summer vacation.