Back on June 1st, I was pretty excited for summer's start. Yes, we all needed this break from the work world to reset ourselves and the possible summer activities were endless. After the first week and a half, summer changed.
I walked over to my car only to find that it had been broken into. I was a bit amazed at how the thief opened the car since there were no broken windows, doors or keyholes. Odd, but I'm sure there are plenty of ways that lowlives do their work without any visible damage. Yes, he took some things of value, but the objects he took mean nothing to me. Stuff is stuff and unimportant. I'm glad my car wasn't stolen or damaged in any way. I'm glad I (or anyone else) wasn't in the car when it happened. That's the important part. I did have to call the police though. They came, were nice, CSI did their thing and the report was done. I have no expectations that whoever did this will be caught. It's a car break in...surely not high on the investigation priority list. Other elements about this bother me. Those things lead to an insecure feeling and insomnia.
Those two feed off of each other for sure. I've dealt with insomnia before so I know I can handle it, but it does change your mood. The car-insurance ordeal is still not complete and it won't for a bit.
After that summer opener event, I had to dog/house sit for my parents. I've done this plenty of times and it's not a bother. While dog/house sitting, I made plans with a friend to watch World War Z on a Saturday. That morning I get a call telling me that I have to go to some neighborhood assembly meeting in the place of my father. WHAT? So I had traded in movie time to drive an hour away and sit at a meeting where all people wanted to do was argue. I was stuck there for three hours and left with a headache. I had of course moved my plans to Sunday.
I heard something kind of odd Sunday morning. I heard a drop of water. Sometimes when it rains a lot, a bit of water will drip through the air conditioner. That's what I thought it was since it hasn't stopped raining all summer. When I open my eyes, the whole room is flooded. I got up to check if it was coming from the bathroom. Nope. I opened the door and the whole hallway was covered in water. My parent's and brother's rooms all flooded. Water was cascading down the stairs to the first floor. The dining room and sitting room, flooded. I could hear water running, but didn't know where it was coming from until I went into the hallway bathroom. The culprit? The plastic screw on the toilet hose had broken off. Water everywhere. I turned off the water valve, but there was still some coming out. I couldn't get it all the way shut....old house...old valves. So I had to go outside and turn the main water valve off. There was also drops of water coming down from the kitchen, laundry and garage roofs.
I called for help. Four mops, one squeegee, one wet vac, four people and six hours later, the house was dry. We also moved everything that had gotten wet to other places and the actual clean up began. After a week of cleaning and throwing away water damaged items, we're still not done. That's a testament to my parent's "hoarding". So much stuff.
I'm hoping mid and end of July will make up for how suck-tastic the summer has been.