I just experienced my first facebook run around!
I wanted to upload a picture from my phone. A while back, I used to do this via MMS using the address mobile@facebook.com just like everyone else used to. Recently I got a more sophisticated phone and noticed that it kept asking me to upload pictures with a personalized email they provided. These uploads go directly from your mobile email to facebook. So, I decided to give it a try last week. It worked.
However, today I tried uploading a picture using the personalized email. All I got was an Delivery Status Failure email from facebook. Okay. I tried again thinking maybe I did something wrong, but received another failed email notification. I tried a different email account with the same failed result. I even tried sending it via MMS and not even that has posted my picture on my profile.
So what do I do? I contact Facebook. I navigate their extensive Help Center and reach the Mobile section. I input all my info and click away waiting for help. I receive an email from "The Facebook Team" with all these wonderful suggestions on how to fix the problem before actually contacting them. Thing is these suggestions don't apply to my issue. I try them anyway. Nothing.
At the end of "The Facebook Team" email, it says, "If your question is not in the list above, please reply to this email with any details that will help us to resolve your issue." Ok. So I hit reply and explain my issue. Literally, 2 seconds later I receive a delivery status failure notification from "The Facebook Team". WHAT?! This is ridiculous. I go back to facebook to see if there is some other way to contact them. No, it's not possible. If you write your issue in one of their pre-made boxes, you'll just get an automated email from them.
There literally is no way to get actual problem solving help/answers through facebook. Isn't that interesting?
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