Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mistakenly Texted

I received a funny text message today that I'd like to share:

Como te sientes hoy reina?
perdona que te mande text message, pero tenemos
que adaptarnos a la tecnologia y asi no te interrumpo.

Uhm...ok. No, I don't know who sent it. I do know it's someone from NYC because of the area code. That's as far as my curiosity took me. No reply from me! I just laughed because it sounds like someone is involved in some extra curricular activities and they just sent the text to the wrong number.

Update 10pm:
I just checked my phone and I have a missed call. Guess from who? Yup, same text message NYC person. Since they didn't leave a message, I'll assume they heard my voicemail and realized they have the wrong number.

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