Monday, September 29, 2008

Busy Weekend

This past weekend was pretty damn busy which is unusual for me. My weekends have turned into subdued, stay at home and watch movies kind of deals. But this weekend was busy.

Saturday, I woke up early as always because apparently I'm physically uncapable of sleeping past 6am anymore. So I got up ate breakfast and got ready. I had the day all planned out. Since I had to run errands, I would do that in the morning leaving the afternoon free. So by 8am I was at the ticket counter of Coliseo Roberto Clemente to pick up my race package. I decided to get it the day before because Sunday would've been hectic. So I did. Then I ran errands in plaza for a couple of hours and went home...only to realize I had to return to the mall.

By the time I got back, it was time to get ready for "C's" Bridal Shower. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Everyone was in good and high spirits. The party was a great time. Food, pink champagne, one beaming bride to be surrounded by her giddy friends and even one tupee wearing lounge pianist. What more could you ask for? :D After the shower I went to a birthday party and got home around midnight. It was later than expected, but I went straight to bed to rest up for the sunday race.

Sunday, Race For The Cure. Of course I didn't sleep in because...I don't know. I can't :) I tried to nap during the day, but I just kept getting interrupted. So 4pm came around and "A" and I went off the the race. There were so many people there. I didn't see the other people I knew who were going to be there till the end of the race. It was an awesome race. I mean, running is a sport for crazy people. Why in the world would you put yourself through being in pain, out of breath and wanting to vomit all at the same time?! It's great ;) Now, I'm not sure how the timing thing works. I know there's the chip that keeps the "official" time, but I run with my own watch. I start it as soon as I cross the starting line and stop it when I cross the finish line. By my watch I ran the 5k in 30:13. "Officially" my time was 32:27.

So my weeked was pretty busy and tiring. Today I was still exhausted and just wanted to be home all day.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Crayola Is Determining Your Future

This morning I came across an article that about how there's a new way to determine what career fits you best. Instead of taking the regular questions test, it's all about colors. You choose your favorite and least favorite colors. This is supposed to categorize your personality I guess and give you the best careers for you.

So I took the color test (of course, for the full results you have to pay). Here is what it said about me:

Best Occupational Category
You're a CREATOR
Key Words: Nonconforming, Impulsive, Expressive, Romantic, Intuitive, Sensitive, and Emotional

These original types place a high value on aesthetic qualities and have a great need for self-expression. They enjoy working independently, being creative, using their imagination, and constantly learning something new. Fields of interest are art, drama, music, and writing or places where they can express, assemble, or implement creative ideas.

Suggested careers are Advertising Executive, Architect, Web Designer, Creative Director, Public Relations, Fine or Commercial Artist, Interior Decorator, Lawyer, Librarian, Musician, Reporter, Art Teacher, Broadcaster, Technical Writer, English Teacher, Architect, Photographer, Medical Illustrator, Corporate Trainer, Author, Editor, Landscape Architect, Exhibit Builder, and Package Designer.
Consider workplaces where you can create and improve beauty and aesthetic qualities. Unstructured, flexible organizations that allow self-expression work
best with your free-spirited nature. Suggested Creator workplaces are advertising, public relations, and interior decorating firms; artistic studios, theaters and concert halls; institutions that teach crafts, universities, music, and dance schools. Other workplaces to consider are art institutes, museums, libraries, and galleries.

2nd Best Occupational Category
Key Words: Witty, Competitive, Sociable, Talkative, Ambitious, Argumentative, and Aggressive

These enterprising types sell, persuade, and lead others. Positions of leadership, power, and status are usually their ultimate goal. Persuasive people like to take financial and interpersonal risks and to participate in competitive activities. They enjoy working with others inside organizations to accomplish goals and achieve economic success.

Well. Like all these test, I think you have to take them with a grain of salt. Parts of the results I like...others I'm not so sure it hit the mark. For all that are interested, here's the article:

Just remember, sometimes colors are just colors.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Stop, Go...Stop...TAPON!

That's how traffic was this morning: Stop, go and just plain STOP.

I left the house at the same time I always do, 7am. By 7:15am I was on 177 next to Hogar Crea. That's where traffic just wasn't moving. At the time I had no idea what was going on and since my car's radio isn't working it's not like I could've turned the news on. I knew something was going on because traffic on the other side was flowing and we were the only one's not moving. So after about 10min of just sitting there I put the car in park, sat back and waited. The man next to me just turned his car off.

Little by little we started to move. As soon as we started going down, I could see in the distance that NO ONE was being allowed to go straight. Traffic was being diverted left and right. I saw 3 ambulances and numerous police cars drive up in the half hour I was stuck in traffic. When I finally got to work, I heard there had been a bad accident down the way. It wasn't till I got home in the afternoon that I finally saw on the news what had happened.

It's awful.

Monday, September 8, 2008

VMA '08 Snore Fest

I'm sure lots of people saw the VMA's last night. I started watching it. I admit I wanted to see if Britney was going to crash and burn. Don't deny it...that's a big reason why lots of people were watching. Turns out she didn't even perform. Looking back the promos never say that she was going to perform, but it sure was insinuated.

Britney was all normal which was good to see, but 3 VMA's wins for Piece of Me? Ok, then. After it was clear that Britney wasn't performing, I dvr'd the show and went to bed. It's so much better being able to skip over crap. I did enjoy Pink and Christina Aguilera's performances. They both kicked ass, but Pink is looking a little like Tabitha Coffey these days though :)

As far as the hip hop men go...pull your damn pants up! I know, I's the style, the fashion...however, there's no need for me or any other viewer to be seeing your ass or you underwear.

Possibly one of the best parts of the whole show was Russell Brand. To me it seemed the crowd wasn't really getting his style of comedy at first. He was hilarious and saved Paris Hilton. Who knows how long she would've stood there in silence before realizing she was looking at the wrong teleprompter!

Overall, the show was a snore fest for me. I'm glad I dvr'd it and didn't lose any sleep over it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I just finished watching the new 90210. Hm.

It's the same sort of premise as the original. 2 teens move to Beverly Hills from farm country. Not original and the children composition isn't original either. The family is made up of a daughter and an adopted black son. Yeah ok, South Of Nowhere anyone?

All the girls are bitchy and back stabbing each other from the start. Another South Of Nowhere (and typical teen drama staple) storyline is how the popular girl used to be best friends with the out-cast edgy girl, but now they're sworn enemies. The guys...well, they're guys. There doesn't seem to be a dorky David Silver. All the guys are confident and boastful, even the tv crew is cool. Everything is bigger, more expensive and revamped...even the Peach Pit is all new.

The 2hr premiere seemed rushed to me. I was entertained, but the storylines went fast. It was great seeing the revival of Kelly Taylor and Brenda Walsh though. It's very Degrassi of them to be on the show and gives it credit. Will we be talking about this 90210 the same way we do the original? Will there be another "Donna Martin graduates!" chant everyone remembers? I guess we have to wait and see.