Monday, September 29, 2008

Busy Weekend

This past weekend was pretty damn busy which is unusual for me. My weekends have turned into subdued, stay at home and watch movies kind of deals. But this weekend was busy.

Saturday, I woke up early as always because apparently I'm physically uncapable of sleeping past 6am anymore. So I got up ate breakfast and got ready. I had the day all planned out. Since I had to run errands, I would do that in the morning leaving the afternoon free. So by 8am I was at the ticket counter of Coliseo Roberto Clemente to pick up my race package. I decided to get it the day before because Sunday would've been hectic. So I did. Then I ran errands in plaza for a couple of hours and went home...only to realize I had to return to the mall.

By the time I got back, it was time to get ready for "C's" Bridal Shower. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Everyone was in good and high spirits. The party was a great time. Food, pink champagne, one beaming bride to be surrounded by her giddy friends and even one tupee wearing lounge pianist. What more could you ask for? :D After the shower I went to a birthday party and got home around midnight. It was later than expected, but I went straight to bed to rest up for the sunday race.

Sunday, Race For The Cure. Of course I didn't sleep in because...I don't know. I can't :) I tried to nap during the day, but I just kept getting interrupted. So 4pm came around and "A" and I went off the the race. There were so many people there. I didn't see the other people I knew who were going to be there till the end of the race. It was an awesome race. I mean, running is a sport for crazy people. Why in the world would you put yourself through being in pain, out of breath and wanting to vomit all at the same time?! It's great ;) Now, I'm not sure how the timing thing works. I know there's the chip that keeps the "official" time, but I run with my own watch. I start it as soon as I cross the starting line and stop it when I cross the finish line. By my watch I ran the 5k in 30:13. "Officially" my time was 32:27.

So my weeked was pretty busy and tiring. Today I was still exhausted and just wanted to be home all day.

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