Sunday, January 23, 2011


Yes, I have been neglectful. It's been almost a year since I wrote anything on this blog.

Happy 2011 everyone!

So how has the year been so far? The first 23 days of the year have been good. We had another earthquake the other day. I didn't feel anything...I was outside on my way to lunch when it happened. I can say that I felt the one back in Decemeber before Christmas. THAT was interesting! I was sitting at my desk when I heard a low rumble. Then my chair started to shake. My thought was, "Why is my chair shaking? Is there a truck passing by?" Of course that would make no sense because I live in a gated community. Almost instantly everything shook violently. It was like the house was bitch slapped and everything rattled. I stood up and walked to my doorway, but just as fast as it came, it was over.

My mother asked "¿QuĂ© fue eso?"
Really mother? :)
So I said, "Un temblor..." and laughed.

Anyway, I can't promise I'll write more often this year. Between work and life (and tv shows of course, ehem, Bravo), blogging has fallen down the priority list. We'll see.

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